Jackpocket's company culture
Meet the Team

Why Company Culture Matters: Our Human Resources Manager Nicole Gendusa Weighs In

Read excerpts from Nicole's interview with Built In NYC!

"Our culture is the foundation of who we are as a company," says Nicole Gendusa, our Human Resources Manager at Jackpocket.

You could say it's in our company DNA. "We work together to grow and learn in an accepting and welcoming environment, allowing our team to be their true selves at work." Because at the end of the day, "our company is built by our people for our people."

Jackpocketeers work across 23 locations across the country, including our company headquarters in New York City and Santa Barbara. Nicole chatted with Built In NYC about how Jackpocket keeps our culture strong—no matter how or where our employees come to work.

Read the full Built in NYC article here. For a sneek peak, Nicole shares some examples of the kinds of activities that build a strong culture at Jackpocket below.

1. Our very popular "Friday Wins" celebrations

"We gather the team for a virtual all-hands meeting on a biweekly basis. This is a great way for individuals to share what they’re working on with the team at large. An operations supervisor in Oregon can learn about what a product manager in NYC is focusing on that week! "

Our company is built by our people for our people.

2. A packed engagement calendar, crafted with care by our HR team

"Our HR team collaborates across offices to create monthly engagement calendars filled with company events that all employees nationwide can partake in. These events range from things like celebrating National Pancake Day to Bring Your Dog to Work Day. Being able to share collective experiences helps our team to feel closer to one another."


3. Variety of events organized by our employee resource groups

"Our employee resource groups truly have a direct impact on strengthening our company culture. Employees are encouraged to form and lead ERGs surrounding areas that they are passionate about....We currently have four employee-led ERGs ranging from groups of similar interests to groups of self-identity. Recently, our Asian Pacific Islander+ group hosted an origami-making session and taught employees how to make paper cranes. Being able to share our employees’ individual cultures is what makes our company culture what it is today."

4. An open-door policy across every corner of Jackpocket

"Maintaining our culture across a distributed workforce is one of our top priorities, stemming straight from executive leadership. The key is encouraging and adopting an open-door policy throughout the organization. This starts with our management leading with empathy. Creating an environment where people feel comfortable voicing their ideas and sharing their perspectives makes us stronger as a team and helps us to implement initiatives that will have a positive impact on our people. "

5. Collecting employee feedback

"It takes time and effort to make sure each employee in every office or remote location recognizes the importance of their voice in tandem with our company culture. We make sure employees know their impact from day one through our onboarding process, and we take a hands-on approach to collecting employee feedback every step of the way. Instilling open feedback from the get-go helps us continuously improve throughout the year. By the time we conduct yearly sentiment analysis, employees are able to recognize that their feedback will help us to drive measurable results companywide and, in turn, provide meaningful responses."

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