jackpocket team pets
Meet the Team

Our Pets & Their Lucky Toys

We love our pets at Team Jackpocket!

Everything's better with a pet by your side! For National Pet Day 2022, we're celebrating the furry friends who make us feel like a million bucks. 

Meet the pets of Jackpocket and their lucky toys! 

1. Bean

"Bean's favorite toy (and one of the very few she hasn't torn apart), is this firecracker. It 'sparks' joy for her." - Paige, Lottery Operations Manager

2. Bhumi

"Bhumi has tons of toys but pink tennis balls are her fave." - Austin, Talent Acquisition Specialist

3. Camus

“Camus loves crickets, kale, blueberries, and her skateboard.” - Kat, Associate Security Engineer

4. Jack

"Jack’s lucky toy is his blue dino! He snuggles with it to have good dreams." - Diane, Social Media Manager

5. Makkari

"Makkari likes to bring her favorite toy rope to the brewery and then ditch it while she scouts out strangers who are willing to give her some extra pets." - Rachel, Customer Support Lead

6. Olive

"This is Olive and her toy monkey - she brings monkey to bed every night and takes her out every morning. When she wants us to go to bed she'll hold monkey at the top of the stairs crying, when she misplaces monkey she searches the whole apartment, aaand she is very slowly consuming parts of it." - Gaston, iOS Engineer

7. Uzi

"Uzi is paranoid about people taking his favorite squeeky toy so he builds a fort for extra protection." - Leo, CTO

More pets over on our Instagram! We're lucky to have 'em.

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